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Common problems with using a treadmill


In winter, outdoor running is too cold. Many people choose to run on a treadmill. It is possible that one day in the future, running will be like home appliances as a "standard part" of the family. On the one hand, it is because of people's demand for health. Because the treadmill occupies a small area, it can run anytime and anywhere, so it can continue to exercise without being affected by the weather when the weather is bad. In addition, the treadmill comes with a set speed, time, calories, slope, distance and other Windows, which can let you see the movement data in real time, and can also eliminate boring time by watching TV.


A complete running routine must include warming up before running and stretching after running. Warm up before running: The main purpose of warm up is to get your body ready, let your body temperature rise, blood circulation speed up. The warm-up time is not specified, generally speaking, about 8-10 minutes is more appropriate.

Stretching after running: The main purpose of stretching is to stretch the joints and muscles, to let their temperature drop, the heart rate will also drop. If the body temperature and heart rate drop too fast, the heart will be uncomfortable, you can use fast walking and jogging to bring the temperature down, the heart rate should be below 90. Even for easy jogging, the cooling time should not be less than 8 minutes.

Treadmill exercise precautions:

Although the treadmill can cloak from the rain, but it and outdoor running compared to exercise the muscle group and intensity is limited. Outdoor running for the exercise of the muscles around the knee is also better than indoor treadmill running, often running outside can be fully adapted to treadmill running, but people who often use treadmill running may be more prone to injury because of muscle strength is not enough when running outside.


Previous post:Maintenance tips for home treadmill2021-04-07
Next chapter:Home treadmill purchase skills2021-04-14

Guangzhou Jason Fitness Equipment Co., Ltd.

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